Your moment of zen.

The past few days have been pretty busy for me, but in a good way.  My boyfriend works out of town a lot, and he came home on Saturday after being gone for about two weeks. Sunday we spent the day together, and we went to a local farmer’s market that I love and bought a bunch of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Monday I usually run with my friend, but he went out of town to spend some time with family.  Needless to say, I took another day to bake some homemade bread, make dinner, and lounge around with my love.  My training schedule said to run, my life said not to.  Life won.

Today I felt great.  My boyfriend went in early to work, and when I got up I packed him a lunch and took it to him.  I stopped at the hardware store on the way home and then came home and potted some fresh herbs.  I then made an apricot blueberry cobbler with some produce I bought on Sunday.  It took awhile, but the finished product smelled amazing!



I pulled the cobbler out of the oven, and got dressed for my run.  I instructed my boyfriend to watch the dogs while it cooled on the counter, as our pit bull has been known to counter surf.  

It was cloudy with a little rain, which made my run amazing.  I felt great.  I can really tell how strong I am getting after the first run after a long run.  All of my miles were under 12 minutes, and I ran a 5K PR.  Compared to how I was feeling last week, I have to say that when I finished everything felt right.

It’s a good thing, because I came home to chaos.  As soon as I had walked out the door, the dogs had snatched the cobbler off the counter.  It fell flat, which meant it wasn’t ruined but it splattered everywhere in the kitchen!  Then the other dog decides to pee on the floor, and my boyfriend is yelling at his video games in the other room.  Moment of zen: gone.



It’s always important for me to remember:  Life will be crazy, and dreams of cobbler will be squashed.  But running will always provide a moment of zen.  Go running, deal with it when you come back.

About brookeg20

I'm a 32 year old female. I'm originally from upstate NY, but have been living in central FL for the past five years. I'm in my third year of a doctorate program in Psychology. I started running about six years ago, and I am currently training for my first half-marathon.
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